My Latest Obession

I have no idea why I am obsessed with this group lately.  I have watched this video so many times (not for the wieners–and don’t let the wieners scare you) it’s not even funny.  It’s catchy, I love their accents, and it’s really interesting.  YoLandi Visser (the creepy blond chick) said that they make car crash music.  And that’s such a good description, because I am so drawn to it!  Aaargh!

I actually broke down today and bought their album, $o$, and I must say, it’s not bad.  Catchy, for sure.  I also love that they use a lot of Afrikaans words.  My guess is that it stems from my deep love of languages.  Or possibly just because I’m kind of a weirdo.  Or both.

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